Environmental, Social & Governance

We recognise that sustainability means different things to different people. For us, it's not just about the impact we as an organisation can have on our planet but enabling all those who rely on our business and the impact, they, together with us can have on the people living on it today as well as the future generations.
We are committed to making real and impactful differences through our business activities that will be informed by our policy on Environmental, Social and Governance.
The 3 principles guiding our approach

Focus on the areas where our business model and operational footprint means we can make a real and tangible impact by offering practical solutions.

Partnership is important, we will work in partnership with our stakeholders to drive our sustainability plans.

In recognition of the fact that actions are worth more than words, we will only make authentic commitments we intend to deliver.
For Melbourne Cleaning Supplies, sustainability is a continuous journey with milestones, goals and values. While on this journey, we will take count of our achievements, the measurable and the immeasurable. We acknowledge that this will be a journey of learning. Of confrontations and challenges. Of sacrifices and continuous improvements. As an organisation, guided by our principles we will adopt ways of working for the greater good of people and planet.
Some of our key initiatives are:

Access to customers for environmentally sustainable products.

We carry a wide range of brands which have certifications from a variety of environmental sustainability certifications and initiatives, such as GECA, Greentag Platinum and Made Blue.

Global GreenTag is one of the world’s most robust, trusted and widely recognised ecolabels. Global GreenTag’s LCRate scores products against six main Sustainability Assessment Criteria and a further twenty plus Life Cycle and Social Criteria.

When a product is certified against Good Environmental Choice Australia (GECA)’s Cleaning Products standard, consumers can be sure that the product has been assessed to meet environmental, human health and ethical impact criteria.

Made Blue ensures that the amount of water utilized or conserved by companies, products, or services is matched by creating an equivalent quantity of clean drinking water in developing nations, at a ratio of 1:1. In 2023, Melbourne Cleaning Supplies saved 1,413, 468 litres of water by our sales of iMop in Australia. View the certificate.

The Recognised® eco-label identifies environmentally preferable commercial cleaning products. Recognised® products have undergone independent third-party scientific assessment against a rigorous multiple-criteria Standard. Sustainable procurement organisations EcoBuy and Sustainable Choice NSW accept accreditation under the Recognised® scheme as evidence towards product listing on their respective procurement databases.

Enviro Star Australia’s range of compostable products are certified Compostable to Australian Standards AS4736 BPI and AS5810 Home Compost along with European and International Standards. Compostable material and printed with approved eco-friendly inks making them the best alternative to traditional plastic bags. They are produced from renewable resources such as corn and ensure the smallest impact on our planet and valuable resources. Compostable bags are made of natural plant starch, and do not produce any toxic material. Compostable bags break down readily in a composting system through microbial activity to form compost. In order to be classified as compostable they must meet the Australian Standard for compostability AS4736 BPI and AS5810 and will have this symbol.

Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation. APCO supports collaboration between brand owners, packaging manufacturers, government and other stakeholders to improve resource efficiency, landfill minimisation and environmental leadership.
Access to indigenous manufactured products

Melbourne Cleaning Supplies recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as the first Australians and owners of the land on which we operate. We respect their culture and elders, past, present and emerging.
MCS carries the full Chemrose range. Chemrose is the first Indigenous-owned business to achieve the prestigious GECA Certification, a testament to their commitment to quality and sustainability.
Modern Slavery Statement

Modern slavery is a term which covers a range of exploitative practices including human trafficking, sexual exploitation, forced labour, forced criminality, domestic servitude, child exploitation and forced organ removal.
Melbourne Cleaning Supplies Ltd is committed to limiting the risk of modern slavery within its own business, within its supply chains or through any other business relationships.
Procurement Policy

Our commitment to inclusivity of local suppliers, indigenous suppliers, environmental sustainability and ethical procurement.
Health and Safety

Our number one priority is that our customers and colleagues return home safe each and every day.

1% for the Planet is a global organisation that exists to ensure our planet and future generations thrive. It inspires businesses and individuals to support Environmental Partners through membership and everyday actions.
Melbourne Cleaning Supplies joined 1% for the Planet, pledging to donate 1% of annual sales from its range of MCS branded cleaning product range to support organisations focused on the environment.
Learn more at onepercentfortheplanet.org
Waste Management

Our waste recycling partner Superior Waste Management, is a member of Victorian Waste
Management Association (member since 2009), an organisation dedicated to ensuring and
improving the industry, whilst focusing on promoting best industry practices for operations, staff, customers and environmental footprint.
The waste onsite is separated into the relevant waste or recycling bins and then collected on a scheduled or as required basis. The cardboard/paper onsite is collected, compacted in the truck and taken to recycling facility and absorbed in 100% recycled medium.
Majority of Superior Waste vehicles are fitted out with industry recognised scales to ensure they capture waste weights where available, ensuring that load limits for transport and landfill requirements are not breached.